
The project The Austrian Bible Translator – The Word of God in German (‘Der Österreichische Bibelübersetzer’ - Gottes Wort Deutsch) is an inter-academic research project of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW) at the University of Augsburg and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW). It is funded by the Academies' Union.

The aim of the project is the hybrid edition and annotation of the works of the so-called Austrian Bible Translator, (Österreichischer Bibelübersetzer) who translated, commented and interpreted large parts of the Bible into German between Passau and Salzburg in the former Duchy of Austria in the first half of the 14th century.

The so-called Old Testament Works (‘Alttestamentliches Werk’), a translation and commentary of parts of the Old Testament, has already been processed in a DFG-funded preliminary project and completed as part of The Austrian Bible Translator. The Word of God in German was completed. It was published in 2023 as the 98th volume in the series Deutsche Texte des Mittelalters:

Löser, Freimut und Terhorst, Magdalena. Band 1: Das Alttestamentliche Werk, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2023.

The publicly accessible edition portal currently contains digital copies and transcriptions of 27 manuscripts of the so-called Gospel Works (‘Evangelienwerk’), a harmonized and annotated translation of the four Gospels produced around 1330. It has survived in 30 manuscripts and exists in 2 versions.

The edition of the presumed first version *Gö of the Gospel Works is already available here as the first version.

The translation and commentary on the Psalms, the so-called Psalm Commentaries (‘Psalmenkommentar), is currently being edited. It has been handed down in 72 manuscripts and is available in three versions.

A brief introduction to the use of the portal can be found here; the principles of the edition can be read here.


What do the apparatuses show me?

The edition text distinguishes between 4 apparatuses in the version *Gö:

  • Apparatus 1: Variants
  • Apparatus 2: Reading and comprehension aids
  • Apparatus 3: Vulgate and source references
  • Apparatus 4: Cross-references and self-citations

Where do I change the appearance for the transcription?

You can find the "Display options" menu in the website toolbar. There you can switch off the resolution of abbreviations, the normalized spelling of stem-s and tailed z, and the highlighting of uncertain readings.

Why can't I see a digital copy of some manuscripts?

We do not have the rights to make all digitized manuscripts available as hosts. In these cases, you can access the respective library/archivist via the link.

Why can't I select a line link in some transcriptions?

The manuscripts attributed to the *SK version were transcribed using the program 'Transkribus', which allows a text-image link. The manuscripts of the *Gö version were transcribed using TUSTEP and do not offer this feature.

How do I cite the transcription?

In the same way as you would quote from the digital copy, stating the folio and line, but with a reference to the transcription, example: S, fol. 9v, line 11, online:, 11.01.2024.

How do I cite the edition?

The citation is made according to the version chapter.paragraph.sentence, e.g: *Gö 131.5.1. While the edition is in beta status, it is strongly recommended that the citation be added to the manuscript, as the numbering may change. More details can be found here.

How do I download a pdf file?

This feature is not yet available.

How do I download an xml file?

This feature is not yet available.

How do I download ediarum.MEDIAEVUM?

Please visit our GIT repository:

Recommendations for citation and versioning

When citing the text of the edition, please use the following form:

Example: Das Evangelienwerk des Österreichischen Bibelübersetzers. Edition der Fassung *Gö erstellt von Lydia Wegener und Elke Zinsmeister unter Mitarbeit von Jens Haustein und Martin Schubert, online: LINK, DATE

Transcriptions are indicated with author, work, siglum, folio, column, line, online: LINK, DATE:

Ex: Der Österreichische Bibelübersetzer, Evangelienwerk, Gö, fol. 123rb, Z. 23, online: LINK, DATE

The versioning of the edition texts published online is documented here.

Introduction to the Edition

Editorial Guidelines for the Gospel Works

First version *Gö


The edition text of the Gospel Works for the assumed first version *Gö follows the lead manuscript Gö (Göttweig, Stiftsbibl., Cod. 222 [red]). The parallel tradition is used as a check. If the text in Gö is visibly corrupt or has been distorted, the leading manuscript is checked. This also applies if, in the case of translations from the Vulgate, Gö stands alone against the parallel tradition and the Vulgate text. Where possible, emendations are based on readings of the parallel tradition; where Gö is the only source of the first version, the text of the edited version is used. In order not to obscure the differences between the versions, interventions in *Gö based on the *SK version are marked separately in the apparatus (see below). Words taken over from other manuscripts are adapted in the edition text to the language status of Gö, insofar as this can be based on other usage in Gö; the original spelling is reproduced in the apparatus. Due to loss of leaves, Gö is missing four times over longer stretches of text. Here W2 (10.1.1-10.4.3), V (136.41.4-136.44.4 and 127.2.1-127.6.5), Mk (128.1.1-128.3.2 and 233.19.7-235.6.1) and Scho (235.6.1-235.8.2) enter as the leading manuscript. The text follows the language level of the respective leading manuscript.

In the edition text, u/v and i/j are rendered according to their phonetic value and stem-s with a round s.

Abbreviations are resolved. Capitalization is standardized: capital letters are only used for proper names and at the beginning of sentences. Separate and joined spellings are generally based on dictionary usage, i.e. the negation particle en- and prefixes in nouns, adjectives and inseparable prefix verbs are written together without italicization and apparatus entry. 

The chapter division from Gö is largely adopted. However, its system is also followed where the manuscript itself deviates from it. The chapter headings are additions by the editors, while text highlighted in red refers to rubrics and initials in the main manuscript.

In the edition text, simplified punctuation is inserted to aid reading, i.e. subordinate clauses, inquit formulae and prolepses are set off by commas. The internal structure of larger sentence structures can be clarified by semicolons. The colon is used to introduce speech, comments introduced by the das ist and before quotations. Direct speech and clearly definable citations of authorities are set in single check marks, speech within speech in double check marks. The layout in the main manuscript (capitulum marks, virgules, rubricated majuscules) is consulted for the punctuation, but is not documented in the edition text - unlike in the transcription text. Paragraphs are set according to context.

The page numbering of the main manuscript is included in the text in square brackets. The transcription of the main manuscript can be called up on the corresponding page via the book icon, which is usually placed before each paragraph.

A paragraph and sentence numbering system has been inserted for ease of citation. For example, 112.5.3 refers to chapter 112, paragraph 5, sentence 3. The Vulgate count is included in the translation sections; it is visualized by the B icon and is displayed by mouseover. The B icons can be switched on and off via the display options.

When changes are made to the leading manuscript in the edition text, only the letters that have actually been changed are italicized (see DTM Guidelines, p. Vf., point 4). If text is missing in the leading manuscript, the entire inserted text is italicized.


Apparatus entries are indicated in the text by icons before or after the relevant passage. You can select which devices should be visible via "Display options". Click on the relevant icon to call up the apparatus.

Apparatus 1

An apparatus entry for the chapter heading provides a list of all witnesses to the transmission of the respective chapter with the corresponding folio details and the option of calling up the transcriptions of the parallel transmission on the page on which the text begins. Where the excerpt manuscripts V, Mk and W2 offer the text in a different order - sometimes in very small parts - only the siglum is given; the exact proof is provided by apparatus entries at the corresponding places in the text. In this way, the beginning and end of the entire parallel tradition, and in the case of fragments also the beginning and end of gaps of more than one line, are indicated.

The apparatus documents all interventions against the master manuscript and contains information on its writing process, such as details on the design of initials, chapter numbering and immediate corrections.

The parallel tradition is presented with all relevant deviations. Deviations resulting solely from damage to the text, e.g. through abrasion, holes or trimming, are not noted; this primarily concerns the fragmentary tradition.

The excerpt manuscripts Scho, Hd, Do, Be Pt, W3, W4 are summarized in the apparatus as group *E; in each case only the reading of the respective main manuscript Scho (chapters 80 and 231-235, from 235.6.1 additionally leading manuscript), Hd (188-208) and Do (226) is given. Where the main manuscript has special readings, one of the other manuscripts is used. Manuscript Be, in particular, has a text that has been heavily abridged in places; the resulting gaps in the textual transmission are not shown in detail.

In order not to obscure differences in the versions, interventions in *Gö, which are based on the version *SK, are marked separately in bold. 

In the apparatus of readings, the normalization is limited: Stem-s becomes round s and abbreviations are resolved, but there is no u/v or i/j equalization. The rendering of stem-s with a round s or the resolution of abbreviations is omitted if this can explain reading errors or similar. 

Apparatus 2

Difficult words and special vocabulary are explained - where possible - by referring to a dictionary entry. If dictionaries are available online, the relevant page can be accessed via a link. If the spelling of a word alone is misleading, only the normalized spelling or a translation is given. Suggested translations are provided for phrases and sentences that are difficult or misleading.

Apparatus 3

Translations from the Vulgate and other sources are referenced.

Apparatus 4

Self-quotations and cross-references by the Austrian Bible Translator as well as parallel passages in the EW and in other texts by the Austrian Bible Translator are given here.

Symbols and formatting used in the online edition

Sigla of the manuscripts

  • Ad – Admont, Stiftsbibliothek, Fragm. 16a, b, c, d
  • Be – Berlin, SBB-PK, Hdschr. 411
  • Do – Karlsruhe, BLB, Cod. Donaueschingen 144
  • G1[a] – Graz, LA, Fragm. Germ. 12/1
  • G1[b] – Graz, UB, Ms. 1703/99
  • G2 – Graz, LA, Fragm. Germ. 12/2
  • G3 – Graz, LA, Fragm. Germ. 12/3
  • Gö – Göttweig, Stiftsbibl., Cod. 222 (rot)
  • G4 – Graz, Franziskanerkloster, A 56/46, I + I*
  • Hd – Heidelberg, UB, Heid. Hs. 407
  • K1 – Klosterneuburg, StiftsB., CCl 4
  • K2 – Klosterneuburg, StiftsB., CCl 51
  • L – Ljubljana, Archiv der Republik Slowenien, AS 1080, Collectanea I, škatla 1, fasc. 1
  • M[a] – Michaelbeuern, StiftsB., Man. perg. 7, Fragm. perg. I, 16a
  • M[b+c] – Salzburg, UB, Cod. M II 272 und M II 273
  • Mk – Melk, StiftsB., Cod. 804
  • N – Neiße, GymnasialB., Cod. A VIII 9 [verschollen, nur noch die Fragm N[1] bis N[5] erhalten]
  • Nü – Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Löffelholz-Archiv D 654
  • Pt – Princeton, University Library, Cotsen Children's Libr. (CTSN) 40765
  • Scho – Wien, Schottenkloster, Cod. 209 (Hübl 206)
  • Sf – San Francisco, Privatbesitz Adolf Sutro [vernichtet]
  • Te – Prag, NationalB., Teplá MS Fragm. 111
  • V – Vatikan, BAV, Cod. Ross. 694
  • W1 – Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2776
  • W2 – Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2846
  • W3 – Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2907
  • W4 – Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2842
  • W5 – Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2784
  • Wü – Richard Paul Wülcker, Frankfurt am Main/Leipzig, ohne Sign. [verschollen] – Abschrift des 19. Jh.s: Kassel, UB/LMB, 2° Ms. poet. et roman. 2

Sigla of cited works

Project manual and guides

If you are interested in a detailed overview of the edition-philological and data-technical configuration of The Australian Bible Translator – The Word of in German and the use of ediarum.MEDIAEVUM, you will find detailed explanations and instructions for use in the project manual and the edi.MEDI für tumbe (edi.MEDI for Dummies) guide. They are primarily aimed at project staff. It is not necessary to study the manual in order to use the edition.


ediarum.MEDIAEVUM is an add-on for the XML editor oXygen and is based on ediarum.BASE developed by TELOTA. ediarum.MEDIAEUM was developed to meet the requirements of editing pre-modern texts. It was specially tailored to the needs of the project, but is constantly being expanded and should also help other medieval edition projects in their work. It is available for download. As ediarum.MEDIAEVUM is freeware, the application can be customized and extended for your project as you wish. Please name it in accordance with copyright law. If you inform us that you are using our application, it will assist us in gauging interest for further development.

Please contact us via e-mail sekretariat.bibeluebersetzer(at)